endorsement for the Australian general election
Australians go to the polls on Saturday to choose a new Parliament and to decide whether Liberal Malcolm Turnbull remains Primer Minister or Labor’s Bill Shorten moves into The Lodge. Even though Australia is a parliamentary democracy and voters choose Members of Parliament and Senators rather than a Prime Minister directly, our endorsement decision on which party or parties to support is based on who will end up being Prime Minister. ...
Our endorsement for the German
federal election
Germans will decide on Sunday if they want to keep Angela Merkel as their chancellor after eight years in power. According to polls, an overwhelming majority of voters – around 60% – prefer Merkel as chancellor rather than her Social Democratic challenger Peer Steinbrück. It is not difficult to see why. Unlike most of its Euro-zone neighbours, the German economy is doing pretty well. Unemployment is at a two-decade low, investor confidence...
Our endorsements for Thursday’s London mayor and local elections in Britain
On Thursday, Londoners will go to the polls to choose a new mayor (or to re-elect the current occupant of City Hall). Judging by his record during the last four years –and taking into account that, in reality, this is a two-way contest–, we believe the Conservative Boris Johnson deserves another term as Mayor of London. Despite his sometimes mercurial personality, Mr Johnson has proved to be a good mayor. We...
Our endorsement for the Canadian federal election.
Canadians will go to the polls on May 2nd to choose a new Parliament. If we have to choose one word to describe the nature of this election campaign, that word would be disappointing. It was a campaign plagued with negative attacks coming from all sides and all parties, except the Greens, who were undemocratically excluded from the televised leaders’ debates. Crucial issues like climate change were totally avoided by the big parties, wh...
We choose the best option for Australia. We choose the Greens.
For many years, Australia has caught the imagination of the entire world in different ways. Whether for its amazing natural beauty, the kindness of its multicultural society or its highly developed economy, Australia is one of those hard-to-forget places in the world. Now, what does this have to do with politics and, particularly, liberalism? In many ways, Australia is an example of liberalism. The country’s econo...
By Alejandro Honeker
Germany prepares to choose a new Parliament on Sunday and, according to the latest polls, anything could happen. First of all, let’s mention this (believe me, it’s going to be easier later on): Black = Christian Democrats (CDU) --or, more exactly, CDU+CSU--, red = Social Democrats (SPD), yellow = liberals (FDP), and green equals, well, green. Since no party is considering a coalition with the far-left Left Party, we’ll leave it out of the equation. In order to form g...
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