Christine Todd Whitman
The first woman governor of New Jersey and the first candidate to defeat an incumbent governor in the state’s history, Governor Whitman’s personal story has been marked by Republican politics since her childhood years, when her parents were active among Republican circles. During her two terms as governor of New Jersey, Governor Whitman developed a conservative agenda of fiscal restraint, tax cuts, welfare reform, environmental protection, tough anti-crime measures and social inclusion, leading her state out of a recession and into a period of unprecedented economic prosperity. In 2001, Ms. Whitman was appointed by President Bush as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. During her tenure at EPA, Ms. Whitman advanced an aggressive agenda to make America’s air cleaner, our water purer and our land more protected.
In the last years, Christine Todd Whitman has been one of the leading voices of the moderate conservative wing of the GOP, relaunching along with former Missouri Senator John Danforth the centrist Republican Leadership Council, which seek to move the Republican Party back to its traditional conservative roots of fiscal restraint, strong defense and personal freedom. Ms. Whitman is also an honorary board member of The Wish List, a group that seeks to elect pro-choice Republican women at the state and federal level. Ms. Whitman is an example of how real conservative principles rooted in a centrist and inclusive approach can be successful in every corner of America.
Rudolph Giuliani
A two-term mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani is the best example of how real conservatives can win back America’s cities. With an agenda of fiscal restraint and personal freedom, Mayor Giuliani became one of the most successful conservative elected officials of the 20th Century. Under Giuliani’s administration, New York City went from being one of the most dangerous cities in the country to become the safest largest city in America. Mayor Giuliani implemented a pro-growth economic agenda, cutting taxes, reducing welfare and creating new opportunities for millions of New Yorkers.
Mr. Giuliani is the best example of how Republicans and conservatives can win elections in big cities across the country by adopting a positive, inclusive conservative message of economic opportunity, empowerment, individual choice and personal freedom.
> Charlie Crist
Charlie Crist has become one of America’s most popular governors. Elected governor of the sunshine state in 2006, Mr. Crist has adopted a message of fiscal restraint, lower taxes, economic opportunity, environmental protection and inclusion, making him one of the leading moderate conservatives in the GOP. His inclusive, moderate brand of conservatism has had impressive results in the state of Florida, being able to work across the aisle and compromise to get centrist, common-sense solutions to people’s problems.
Governor Crist embodies the future of American conservatism (or, should we say, a comeback of the real conservative roots): free enterprise, fiscal discipline, economic opportunity, individual responsibility, personal freedom, protection of the environment and social tolerance.
> Arnold Schwarzenegger
First elected governor of California in 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger is an embodiment of the American dream. A famous Hollywood actor, Schwarzenegger’s arrival to politics has resulted in one of the most bipartisan, centrist elected officials in the entire country. Governor Schwarzenegger has built a reputation as a moderate Republican, with an impressive record on environmental issues, making California a leader in the fight against global climate change and working with Florida Governor Charlie Crist and New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg to help spread the message of environmental awareness.
Governor Schwarzenegger represents a type of moderation in politics that should be welcomed by the Republican Party in order to regain once traditional Republican areas like California and New England.
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