■ Freedom: Three Perspectives on the Meaning of Liberty | Jeremy Browne, Ed Vaizey, & Neal Lawson (2006)
■ The Orange Book: Reclaiming Liberalism | Paul Marshall & David Laws (2004)
■ Which Way's Up? | Nick Boles (2010)
■ Liberalism: The Life of an Idea | Edmund Fawcett (2014)
■ Two Treatises of Government | John Locke (1689)
■ A Letter Concerning Toleration | John Locke (1689)
■ The Spirit of The Laws | Montesquieu (1748)
■ The Theory of Moral Sentiments | Adam Smith (1759)
■ The Wealth of Nations | Adam Smith (1776)
■ Principles of Political Economy | John Stuart Mill (1848)
■ On Liberty | John Stuart Mill (1859)
■ Considerations on Representative Government | John Stuart Mill (1861)
■ The Subjection of Women | John Stuart Mill (1848)
■ The Open Society & Its Enemies | Karl Popper (1945)
■ The Constitution of Liberty | Friedrich Hayek (1960)
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