An Agenda for Urban Renewal
+ business
More business means more jobs and opportunities for everyone. We need to make cities business-friendly again. A responsible agenda of low tax rates will spur innovation and bring prosperity for all.
+ green space
We love green. Who doesn't? We need to make our cities more attractive and healthier for individuals and families. The best way to do it is greening them!
+ safety
Effective government means providing people with a safe environment to live in. Fighting crime should be at the top of any administration's priorities. A safer city benefits all.
+ transportation options
We need to expand our public transportation systems as a way to avoid massive traffic problems and reduce our carbon footprint. A New York City-style train system should be the model for every big city.
+ quality of life
We all want a good place to live and spend our lives. And by good we mean safe, clean, and friendly. We can make our cities a good place to live again!
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